Thursday, 28 December 2017

Amazing Motion Graphic Hacks that Work!

Computers by design are created to perform activities robotically and in an organized, consistent manner. For an artist, this poses a challenge to identify methods in which they can create more dynamic motion graphic designs.

Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic

Here are a few simple hacks that you may want to master after your design courses in Singapore that can really help in adding character to you project– 

  • Gradients

    Even though this is one of the basic most tools to use, it completely alters the uniformity in text and backgrounds. Furthermore, this option adds bit of shape and depth into your colors. If you are struggling to find ways to make your animation look less flat, using a radial gradient ramp is the way to go. 
  • Shadows

    Use the drop shadow feature to add depth to your animation. For instance, if you are working on your motion graphic titles, simply make the bottom layer black, include a CC Radial Blur and move it higher up to create an impression of a light source above the text. 
  • Vignette

    For a motions graphic project, video games or color grading, you can rely on vignettes almost anything in your design you want the viewer to focus on. Create a vignette by making a dark solid along with an inverted circular mask. Next, feather the mask and adjust its opacity. You can transfer modes and also get creative with colors to arrive at different looks. 
  • Color Grading

    Adjust the color to create the right feel for your motion graphic design to completely transform itself. Different ways to achieve this involve including a tint effect, making some curve effects or overlaying some color solids. Furthermore, you may also be able to find some effective third-party plug-ins to use for your color grading requirements. 
  • Textures

    Textures can used in exceptional ways when you wish to add character to your titles. You can find thousands of free textures on the web. A simpler option is to pre-comping your text and putting the texture under it. However, remember to set the track matte of this texture to “Alpha matte”. 
  • Contrast

    Every motion graphic design course has talked about “contrast curves” at some point of the program. By using the curve effect, lowering the shadows and raising the highlights you can easily create an S curve. 
  • Glow

    Your program may come with built in glow filters or you will be able to find a third-party filter. To create a great glow effect, duplicate the object you wish to make glow and set the transfer mode to “Add” for its top layer. Now, apply a fast blur effect and adjust the opacity and blur to a point you are satisfied with. 
  • Background Movement

    Include a background movement in your animation to make it much more interesting to look at. When you see movie trailers you will find that many of them rely on scaled up blurred images that are panned sideways. 
  • Light Sweep

    The built in CC Light Sweep effect is a great tool to use to make your text look shiny. Simply play around with some of the settings and then animate its position to get the results you want. The harder way to do it is by creating your own light sweep. This can be done by matting white solid to the text. 
  • Light Rays

    Most motion graphics programs come with a built in light ray filter. There are also a host of third party filters that help achieve this effect. In some third-party plug-ins you will have to change the default color in the settings section. 

By including these effects into your animation, you are essentially adding significant character to its aesthetics to create an appealing final product for your audiences. Make the most of your design course in Singapore to master each one of these hacks.

This article talks about some simply but effective hacks worth using in your motion graphics design.

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